Head Boys' Blog September 2024
September 13th 2024
Hello - I'm Sam, Head Boy for the coming year.
I always love September and the start of a new school year. Even though I had a great summer (this year surfing in South-West France was my highlight by a mile), I really enjoy getting back to school, seeing my friends and the feeling of being back where I belong.
I have been at Bickley Park since I joined in Reception when I was 4 years old – you can see from this photo how excited I was on my first day of school and I have been just as enthusiastic each year since! Starting Year 8 is no exception and for me comes with the added responsibility of being Head Boy. I was completely blown away to be chosen, but I see this role very much as being part of a team involving the Head Boy Committee and all those taking on extra responsibilities in Year 8. Together we are going to help ensure that you all have the same wonderful school experience that we have enjoyed over the years.
“Be all you can be.” I fully intend fill my last year at Bickley Park taking up every opportunity that is available and working my hardest, both in and out of the classroom. There are so many amazing opportunities and I hope all of you try new things, alongside advancing in the areas you already enjoy. Overcoming a challenge is one of the best feelings in the world and we are all so lucky to be surrounded by friends and supportive teachers to help us every day.
I hope you have enjoyed the start of term as much as I have and already feel settled in. Please just ask me if there is ever anything I can do to help you!