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Head Boys' Blog

Head Boys' Blog

Head Boys' Blog
Blog Student Blog

Hello, my name is Santiago and I’m one of the Year 8 Head Boys.

You will have seen me around school, I’m part of Brandram House and also one of the Year 8 Football Captains. 

I hope that everyone has settled back into school life comfortably after the holidays…it feels like we haven’t seen the sun in a long time!  I’m sure like me, you’re looking forward to the Spring months.

Let’s take a look back at the Autumn term.  I think I can speak for you all when I say I’m glad that the November assessments are over!  Also, spare a thought for many of the older boys in Prep who, like me, have been busy revising for Senior school entrance exams.  It’s been a very busy time for sure in the Academic quadrant.

The highlight of the Autumn term for me has to have been the BPS Christmas Fayre – what a fantastic event that was!  I hope many of you were able to attend with your families and I wonder how many of you were lucky enough to win a prize on the amazing raffle!  It was so much fun creating the Year 8 games stalls and being there to enjoy the moment with the whole school community.  Year 7 boys – it’s over to you for this year’s fun and games once you return in September as the new Year 8 boys!

So, let’s now look forward.  We’re all busy getting settled into the Spring term and looking forward to the warmer summer months.  Excitement is starting to build around the topic of the new Adventure School Programme.  I know that I’m looking forward to ending this current school year, and my time at BPS, on such a high with a fantastic residential trip!  What a great opportunity to spend time away from school relaxing, adventuring and trying out new exciting things with BPS friends.  I hope all boys throughout the school have fun taking part in these Adventure School activities.

I’m going to end my blog with news that the house cross country competitions have already been completed!  I don’t know about you, but the earlier than usual date took me by surprise!  There were some great races throughout the different year groups, certainly the Years 7/8 race was a close one at the end!  Well done to everyone, especially those taking home the winner’s cup and runners-up medals…and for those who don’t enjoy long distance running, then I’m sure you’re glad this event is now over for another year!

That’s all from me.  I hope you enjoyed reflecting back on the Autumn term and like me, are looking forward to Spring and warmer months.

Thanks, and see you around school.


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Head Boys' Blog