Deputy Head Boy Blog

October 11th 2024
Hello everyone, if you don’t know me I’m Marcus and I hope you’re all doing well. As I write this we are already nearing half term, the school year is well underway and the summer feels like it has long gone. This blog is dedicated to the younger years, mainly the Year 3s who have started the year with a bang – you moved to Prep from pre-Prep just a few weeks ago! You’re just getting used to the bigger grounds, the higher expectations, the stricter rules; you have adjusted really well and it’s great to see you walking around school with big grins on your faces. I remember when I was your age, I was really excited and nervous at the same time. I also remember it was around now that the novelty of being in Prep started to wear off a bit and I started to miss being in pre-Prep.
Some of you might be feeling the same and are missing the old days of Mr Poole’s big smile every morning, the hugs from Matron; maybe it was being the top of the school, or maybe it was just everything being at your height! Yes, I remember that time. As my former Spanish teacher and Head of House used to say ‘You used to be the big fish in a small bowl now you’re the small fish in a big pond.’
But just remember, there are many things to look forward to in Prep, like the fun activities Prep does at Christmas, the new Rugby season with all the fixtures, the Swimming Gala and most of all Sports Day at Norman Park! There are so many new things for you to discover in Prep.
Finally, if you have any problems, I’m happy to help, I’ve been at this school since nursery, so I know how each year goes, you can come and find me any time, and that goes for all year groups. If you’re ever stuck on anything, you can also ask a teacher. Remember Bee All You Can Be, speak up, believe in yourself, that’s the Bickley Park School Way.